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Is it Worth Doing an MBA Foundation course: The Answers You Need and More



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If you’re planning on getting into an MBA program, you’ve probably asked yourself is it worth doing an MBA foundation course?

Planning out your educational path can be stressful as these are the decisions that will affect the rest of your life. Don’t let this stress put you out though. The critical thing to do is to get the right information before making any decisions.

Deciding whether or not to take this course is a matter of how prepared you want to be. If you want to have a solid basis for the work you’ll be doing, a foundation program is a necessary step.

Why is it Worth Doing an MBA Foundation?

Whether you’re planning on going into an MBA program or just looking to further your business education, there are benefits to these foundation courses as they teach you the skills you need to be a success in your field.

If you’re going into an MBA program, it’s because you want to learn the ins and outs of business. There’s no better way to prepare for this than by taking foundation courses.

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To Get into the Best Business Schools, You Need High Scores on Your GMAT

Your GMAT is the Graduate Management Admission Test. It’s the test you’re going to take before applying for MBA programs. Since your score on this test has a significant impact on your entrance into a program, it’s essential to do well. That means having a solid foundation of the topic.

Let your college education be an asset to you on this test.

MBA Foundation Courses Provide You With the Skills You Need for Success

Even if you don’t plan on going into a business master’s program, you can still benefit from the foundation course as it can be an asset to your career. Upon completion, you’ll have certification to outline your skills as leverage for employment or promotion.

In these courses, you’ll learn important things such as business writing and economics. You’ll become acquainted with business foundations and have the quantitative skills needed to get ahead.

How Do I Decide Which Program is Right For Me?

Unlike other degrees, business programs focus on practical applications over theories. So you want to pick a program based off how their courses align with your needs.

Spend some time searching through foundation programs and reviewing their courses. Take a  look at this foundation program in Canada; it provides a refresher in mathematics skills required to progress through the program while providing a thorough overview of business fundamentals too.

Cole is one half of New Zealand's leading adventure travel blogging couple who have been wearing out their jandals around the world since 2009. He loves any adventure activities and anything to do with the water whether it is Surfing, Diving, Swimming, Snorkeling or just lounging nearby on the beach. You can follow Cole on Google+. Or consider following us via RSS Feed, Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to our Newsletter.

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What’s Going to Happen with Graduations?



1 Clear Grad

Just about a week ago we talked about everyone’s travel plans being put on hold. Things are in a huge state of flux at this moment in time. Many people were all set to graduate, and all of a sudden, things are in limbo, indefinitely. Often having to retract graduation announcements college and university administrative departments feel they have no choice but to postpone things. Honestly, this may be for the best, compared to having to do some sort of a half-baked ceremony instead of just waiting until things are better so they can do it properly.

My Heart Goes Out to Those who Wait

It’s very unfortunate for those among us who have had field work or research for a thesis etc. suspended because of current circumstances. Many people also work jobs where they are entitled to automatic pay raises, sometimes substantial ones, from continuing their education, and are now losing out because they don’t qualify yet. And it may seem petty to some but graduations are important milestones in peoples’ lives, and they deserved to be marked as the important occasions they are; it is an intrinsic part of our current culture!

Success Favors the Prepared Mind

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In the end, sooner or later, this too shall pass, and we will all end up graduating, perhaps behind schedule, but we will get there! The important thing is to be prepared, both logistically and mentally. Mentally, we need to be prepared not only to wait this crisis out, but also to go back to normal when it’s over. It’s going to take a lot of gear-switching inside our minds for this to happen.

For those of us who have family friends or other loved ones graduating soon, it’s a good idea to be prepared, mentally and logistically. Plan things out ahead of time to avoid being caught in the crunch, and do everything possible beforehand to avoid having to do everything at once when things finally open up. This includes details like making up the graduation invitations templates before hand and having them ready to go at the right moment. It’s also a nice touch, while we are on the subject, to send out personalized thank you cards  to those that are helping you graduate. You’d be surprised at how many people you probably should thank for one thing or another.

For Those who are Graduating

First of all, try to keep a positive mindset and be grateful as much as possible. It may be an unfair situation, but patience will pay off.

It’s also a great idea to really realize how important our education is to us, and how important it was to graduate in the first place. The silver lining to all of this is that we are all learning to appreciate things in our lives that we may have otherwise just taken for granted. We are all learning to value that which is actually highly important in our lives, and which will hopefully come back soon!

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Planning Your First Post Quarantine Trip: 5 Destinations for Students



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We all know how boring it is to stay at home for days, especially if you are used to an active lifestyle. Surely, you miss your friends, walking in the park, delicious food in cafes and restaurants. Everyone would want to go watch movies at the cinema. And there are many adventurous souls who are very sad due to the absence of the opportunity to travel.

Yet, try to change your attitude and click here to improve your mental health. Consider the quarantine as a great chance to think about where you would like to go once it is possible. Slowly, start building grandiose plans.

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Also, use this time to study and get your grades up. Today, the opportunities are endless – from multiple online courses to professional platforms like EssayPro to turn to if you don’t feel like composing a paper on your own.

During quarantine, you can either waste many hours or become your most productive self. One thing for sure – after such a difficult period, you will definitely need to hang out and travel.

Here is the list of top destinations students must visit after a very long time of being stuck at home.


Located in the heart of Europe, it is one of the best countries in the world for international students. If you go to Germany, take time to explore its history. Enjoy hearty and delicious food, see the remnants of the Berlin Wall and scenery that inspired Schiller and Goethe.

Berlin, as the capital, has a rich cultural and historical heritage. With huge museums and cool clubs, this one is a city of contrasts.

If you decide to go to southern Germany, you can explore charming medieval towns and the Bavarian Alps. In the north, you can relax on the beaches. Wherever you travel, the country has an incredible experience to offer.


Most likely, Estonia is not among your top first countries to visit post quarantine. But you should definitely consider it because this state is a true European gem.

This Baltic country is a must-visit because of several reasons. Beautiful seaside, organic food, untouched nature, interesting history, rich culture, and striking architecture – all of it can be found in Estonia.

There are deep blue lakes hidden between the hills and large national parks. They serve as a temporary home to millions of migratory birds.

There also are a lot of uninhabited islands in Estonia. These are all the reasons why you must visit this country after the quarantine is over.


Austria has a lot to offer to travelers. This country is full of old imperial glory. It’s very interesting because of old-world architecture, historical sites, and modern, vibrant city life. You will definitely enjoy classical music concerts, art galleries, and delicious food.

Breathtaking nature is also a great reason to visit Austria. There are wonderful alpine valleys, mountains, and lakes. You will remember the panoramic views forever.

No trip to Austria would be complete without a visit to its capital, Vienna. You should go there to see Gothic cathedrals coexisting with modern culture, nightlife clubs, and amazing architecture.


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There is a lot Croatia has to offer, so you can choose it as a country to visit after quarantine. It is one of Europe’s sunniest spots, and most people know Croatia for its spectacular beaches and sunsets. But there are also great mountains that you would definitely like to travel to.

In this country, one can enjoy a peaceful atmosphere and try incredibly tasty cuisine. You should visit national parks and history museums. Note that this country has the world’s most atmospheric Roman ruin.

If you are a coffee lover, you would definitely fall in love with Croatia’s capital, Zagreb. The city is full of fabulous cafes – the citizens indeed take their coffee drinking habit very seriously.


Hungary is a mind-blowing destination for travelers of any age. Visiting it offers a glimpse at stunning baroque architecture, beautiful landscapes, folk art. This country is always a great option for those who travel with a backpack only.

Budapest is full of fabulous buildings and churches. You may be surprised, but most museums in Budapest are either free or offer affordable pricing. Consider going to one of the museums below:

  • Museum of Óbuda;
  • Vasarely Museum;
  • Aquincum Museum and Archeological Park;
  • Budapest History Museum;
  • Museum of Applied Arts

One of the must-visit spots is a relaxing natural thermal bath complex. Known as one of the most instagrammable places in Europe, Budapest is a perfect place to enjoy strolling through the narrow city streets.

Final Words

Obviously, there are many destinations for students who enjoy traveling. Hopefully, this list will help you plan an awesome European trip after quarantine.



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4 Things to Consider Before Teaching English Abroad

4 Things to Consider Before Teaching English Abroad



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So you want to go abroad but don’t have the money to travel for an entire year. Don’t let the little matter of finances stop you from the amazing experiences you will gain as you travel around the world. There are many different ways to work while you are abroad and teaching English is a great option for many young would-be travelers.

4 Things to Consider Before Teaching English Abroad

While it is tempting to drop everything, get on a plane, land in a tropical location and try to land a job, there are a few things that you should consider before actually buying that first plane ticket abroad. Here is a list of the top things you should consider before teaching English abroad. After reading these, you’ll be armed with the necessary information you need to have a rewarding travel experience while still getting a paycheck.

How long do you want to work?

The best part about teaching English abroad is that you have the flexibility to choose how long you will be teaching, depending on what country you choose. There are some countries that have very flexible contracts and need teachers on a rotating basis. The shortest amount of time you should dedicate would be about three months or one quarter. This will allow you to get into the swing of things as a teacher and give you plenty of weekend time to explore the country you now call home.

Many school will require you to sign a longer contract, one year is fairly typical. Other school will ask for a two or more year contract but that is usually for very high paying positions or for teachers that are extremely experienced. The biggest question you have to ask yourself is how long you want to stay in one place.

Do you need a TESOL/TEFL/CELTA/DELTA or experience?

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Depending on the country, you many need years of training, experience and qualifications, or you may just need to speak English. There are many countries that have very specific requirements and a very formalized hiring process. These countries include South Korea, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, China and Singapore. For these countries, you must have at least a Bachelor’s degree, a Bachelor’s degree specifically in English, or a TESOL/TEFL certificate and a passport from a native English speaking country. Some even require you to be a certified teacher in your home country. If you decide to live and work in China is advisable to find out what are the requirements to meet for foreigners. NH Global Partners can help you in this apparently daunting task .

But do not let these qualifications scare you away. There are some countries which only require you to speak English. It is suggested that you get a TESOL or TEFL certificate with a company like Maximo Nivel so that you feel prepared before stepping into your first class. The best part about these certifications is that you can get them done fairly quickly, within a month, and are available in person or online.

How much support do you want?

Some would-be teachers just want a classroom and to be left alone. Others prefer specific curriculum with a support network of fellow teachers and administrators who will train and guide them throughout the entire process. And there are a bunch of people that fall in between these two extremes. Be honest with yourself. Are you someone that will do a good job without any direction? Or are you someone that needs a bit of help. If you need help, steer towards more formalized countries who will give you the daily lesson plans you need to succeed.

This support also includes help finding apartments, procuring an airplane ticket to the country, medical insurance and other valuable things. Make sure you know exactly what each country typically offers before you pick one.

Should you sign a contract before you leave?

This is a pretty easy question to answer but something that you should research. Some countries such as China, South Korea and Saudi Arabia require you to have a signed contract in order to get a visa you need to enter the country to teach. What kind of living situation do you want? Typically, if you sign a contact before, they are willing to help you find an apartment or will have one that is included in the contract. Again, just ask questions to see what is needed.

Teach English

There are many different travel resources available to help you go abroad. At the end of the day, make sure you do all your research and get all your questions answered before signing anything or picking a country.

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Cole and AdelaWe have been wearing out our jandals (Kiwi for flip-flops) on our travel adventures around the world since 2009. We think our blog is thought provoking and a little witty. But we have been proven wrong before. Find out more about us here...

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