We know that 2020 hasn’t gone to plan, as COVID-19 took hold and shattered pretty much all of our travel plans. Yes, lockdown hit hard, flights were cancelled, and planes were grounded for the foreseeable – and for the most part, we’re still in the dark about how long it will all last.
That said, while the light at the end of the tunnel may be small, there is still a light, and we know that the pandemic will, at some point, come to an end. It’s for this exact reason that we encourage you to not give up hope! Dreaming of your next trip is not a crime, neither is starting to make initial plans for it.
With this in mind, here are some of our thoughts on why it’s ok to start thinking of your next trip, even if you can’t yet pin a date on it.
Use Lockdown for Research
Even though you can’t book flights and start getting excited about going to the airport, what you can do, is research. Initial planning and research from the comfort of your living room. Why not make the most of lockdown and use your time being productive? Not only is this a great use of time, it’s good for your state of mind, as you are giving yourself a little inspiration and thinking positively about life after lockdown.
Get online and research some of your favourite countries, discover new places, get onto some travel forums and chat to people who are also thinking along the same lines. Overall this is a very positive move, and think of how well educated and well-equipped you will be when you are finally able to jet away!
Get your equipment sorted
Another good thing about having more time on your hands is being able to take your time buying the stuff you need. We’re in the age of online shopping, so being stuck at home doesn’t restrict you from at least looking around for the gear you need. Bookmark those pages and build yourself a checklist for your travels, from the obvious things such as suitcases or backpacks to the things you might not think of straight away.
One of the main ones, surprisingly, is custom cut foam which you can use to keep your valuables safe when you travel. Musicians carrying musical instruments use foam to keep their prize possessions in pristine condition, despite all the travelling, but this is just one example. Perhaps you’ll buy something while you’re away, a gift which is fragile or valuable? Packing with foam is the ultimate safety item.
It may seem like it’s too early to get organised with travel equipment, but it could actually be the best time ever!
Stay positive!
Perhaps a term you’ve heard over and over again during the crisis, but for good reason. Keeping a positive mental attitude towards travelling is important at the moment. If you tend to travel with friends, remember to keep their spirits up too, reminding them that they will travel once again. The points mentioned above are just as important as ever, if only for the purpose of keeping you in the right mindset while we get through the rest of the pandemic.

Until then, stay safe.