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Sleep Deprivation: The Biggest Reason For Mental Stress



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Those who said, `If you snooze, you lose’ couldn’t have been more wrong. Sure hard work and diligence are important for a successful path but is it worth your health? Sleep is an important parameter for good health and a healthy sleep cycle is necessary to maintain one’s not only physical capability but also mental stability as well as cognitive ability. The mental issues in fact go beyond the scope of insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Sleep deprivation is one of the major causes for mental stress. Americans are highly sleep deprived which leads to the onset of anxiety, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  Though we still lack the holistic understanding of the connection between sleep and mental disorders, we can say this for sure that a good night’s sleep can alleviate co-occurring mental health problems.

Points To Keep In Mind

  • Though sleep is an important part for everyone, sleep problems are more likely to have an impact on those with psychiatric problems than others.
  • Lack of sleep can lead to mental disorders.
  • In order to help negate the effects of a sleep disorder, it might help to look into the sleep patterns of those affected.

What May Be The Connect Between Sleep And Mental Disorders?

There are 2 types of sleep that a normal sleeper switches between every 90 minutes.

During the relatively “quiet” sleep, the body goes through a series of activities which denote a natural relaxation. The body temperature drops, muscles relax, heart beat slows and the rate of breathing dips. It is during this relaxed phase when the body builds itself and strengthens its immune system.

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(Img Courtesy: Nectar Sleep)

The other category is the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. It is the time span when people dream. Since they are “engaged” in an activity in their dream, the pulse levels and rate of breathing increases to the level where people are usually awake. This type of sleep is highly beneficial for improving memory retention, learning power and building of emotional health.

Since, these two categories are highly important for the emotional as well as the physical build up of the person, any sort of disturbance or disruption can impact the sleeper heavily. The disruption affects the level of nuero-transmitters and stress hormones which impairs emotional health and amplify the effects of sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea.

Mental Disorders Due To Sleep Deprivation

When asleep, our brains gets the time to take out the trash, literally. It goes into a cleaning mode where it rids itself of proteins that are built in between the brain cells all throughout the day. In fact, a research conducted on mice claims that this cleaning process requires the brain cells to shrink which can only be done if you are asleep. Imagine the clogged up proteins you are encouraging in between your brain cells by not sleeping. Such an accumulation is linked to reduced decision making skills, lapsed reaction times and impaired reasoning abilities. Let us take a look at the result of sleep deprivation on our minds.

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(Img Courtesy: Dreamcloud Sleep)

Bipolar Disorder: Studies suggest that long periods of sleep deprivation can lead to increased attacks of bipolar disorder and can also trigger mania. Lack of sleep might also affect mood elevations, worsening the case of bipolar.

ADHD: ADHD and sleep disorders are intrinsically related and it might be difficult for researchers to study them exclusive of each other. Lack of sleep leads to hyperactivity, breathing issues, emotionally unstable and unattentive. These are the symptoms of ADHD as well.

Anxiety Disorders: Sleep disorders have an adverse impact on more than 50% of adults who are undergoing anxiety disorder and share a close resemblance to those with post traumatic disorder which may lead to phobias and anxiety attacks.These issues affect children as well. Children with an anxiety disorder are more likely to have an interrupted sleep in comparison to those with a healthy mind.

Depression: Sleep deprivation shares a deep connection with depression. Both issues are reliant on each other and can either be the cause of the other or the result. Depression might lead to sleeplessness or sleep deprivation might lead to tired minds and impaired cognitive ability that can lead to depression. Insomnia and sleep apnea also play a huge role in developing depression. Patients suffering from depression and sleep deprivation are less likely to respond to treatments in contrast to those who are plagued by depression but are able to sleep better.

Tweaking Your Lifestyle

In order to reverse the damage caused by sleep deprivation, try incorporating the following in your daily lifestyle for a blissful sleep.

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(Img Courtesy: Awara Sleep)

Comfortable bed accessories: Uncomfortable bed leads to interrupted and intermittent sleep pattern. Invest in good bed accessories that can help you get a good night’s rest. You can choose a natural mattress which will allow a toxin free sleep and if possible, prop it on a twin XL platform bed for increased space. In case your mattress is prone to minor mishaps, protect it with a quality waterproof mattress protector from Nectar

Meditate: Meditation is a proven method that helps improve blood circulation and relaxes the mind. This state of zen helps calm the body down and make it ready for a deep slumber. Secure a corner for yourself in the house and sit on a rug to practice your daily meditation. You can use a purple area rug as purple stands for peace which you are keenly looking for during your meditation.

Eat a Healthy Diet: Stay away from sugar and highly processed foods as they take time to digest and can also lead to upset digestive system, leading to a disturbed sleep.

Cut Down On Caffeine: We know that caffeine are natural steroids. One suffering from insomnia should stay away from it and can reach out to more calming beverages like green tea, chamomile tea and so on.

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(Img Courtesy: Nectar Sleep)

Physical Activity: You need to tire your body out in order to get a better and deep sleep. Physical activities can help you fall asleep faster without any interruptions up ahead.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: It is common for those insomnia to pay attention to their lack of sleep. An ironic situation, this act of being preoccupied with not falling asleep eventually leads to adverse impact on the sleep cycle. Cognitive behavioural techniques can be deployed to train the brain into sleeping by switching off the negative thoughts and calming oneself down to a more relaxed state of rest. In a nutshell, it is the mind game deployed to trick the brain into performing its normal function of resting.


Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest threats today which is stringing up a series of lifestyle and mental diseases that can otherwise be alleviated with a restful sleep. By understanding the importance of sleep, people can nip the sleep related mental disorders in the bud and lead the path to a healthier mental state.

(Img Courtesy: iStock)

Cole is one half of New Zealand's leading adventure travel blogging couple who have been wearing out their jandals around the world since 2009. He loves any adventure activities and anything to do with the water whether it is Surfing, Diving, Swimming, Snorkeling or just lounging nearby on the beach. You can follow Cole on Google+. Or consider following us via RSS Feed, Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to our Newsletter.

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Why Do People Appreciate Nicotine Pouches?



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‘Smoking is hazardous and injurious to your health!’ This is a standard warning you can see printed on many tobacco-related products, specifically cigarette cartons.

Certainly, smoking is one of the worst habits most people are addicted to. There are several adverse effects of smoking on the circulatory system, respiratory system, skin, eyes, and reproductive system.

In order to get rid of the addiction to smoking and other issues, special nicotine pouches are introduced.

These pouches are the greatest and safest alternatives to cigarettes.

They contain a proportionate quantity of snus with nicotine as the main ingredients and offer the same satisfaction that smoking provides. You can learn more about these aspects at resources such as, as such you can take advantage of these pouches and improve your overall lifestyle. If you still want to know what nicotine pouches are and why people love them, learn more by reading further.

What are Nicotine Pouches?

Nicotine pouches are an excellent alternative for smoking cigarettes and tobacco. These pouches do not contain tobacco, but either synthetic nicotine or tobacco-derived nicotine that are as same as a tobacco-free version of snus.

You can keep it under your lower lips and enjoy the flavor dissolved in your mouth. When finished, you can dispose of the pouch in household trash.

The substance won’t come outside the pouch as the white cover is made of high-quality material. Now, the best part is, it won’t stain your teeth.

Reasons People Love Nicotine Pouches

Well, there are several reasons why people are just in love with nicotine pouches. For instance, you can find different flavors, it may not have an expiration date, and it allows you to maintain oral health. Besides these fine aspects, you can find more reasons why people prefer these pouches.


Tobacco smoke is one of the primary reasons people switch to nicotine pouches. It will help you, and it will minimize smoking in public. Nobody near you will have to worry about potential issues from smells and other issues when you use it.

It Does not Stain Your Teeth

This is another reason why people love nicotine pouches, as it does not stain your teeth. If you fear that keeping it under your lower lip can stain your teeth, you are far from correct.

Did you know that the white coating on the substance prevents your teeth from staining?

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It Helps you Maintain Oral Health

Smoking cigarettes can stain your teeth as well as your lips. But with nicotine pouches, you can maintain your oral health as they will not only help you avoid smoking habits but also help you recover your damaged cells simultaneously.

You Can Enjoy Several Flavors

Nicotine pouches are available in a wide range of flavors. You can choose from many flavors that can improve your life. Indeed, there are many that choose to move forward with these pouches because they are varied and can add immense value overall.

Many People Choose Nicotine Pouches over Smoking

There are numerous reasons to choose nicotine pouches over smoking. One of the most important reasons is the overall health impact. After years of research on side effects, many countries are starting to endorse its use.

These are indeed the safest alternatives for those who are looking for ways to quit smoking. Since these pouches release nicotine that one can find in tobacco, it is less addictive or harmful than smoking or chewing.

This is just a brief summary as there are many benefits to these pouches.

Always remember to be responsible and enjoy!

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Age Well Each Day By Living Well



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We must take life seriously because we only have a finite amount of time on this planet.

Indeed, we know not what happens after we live on this planet for seventy or more years. We only know that we have a certain amount of todays and tomorrows. But furthermore, we know that our energy can begin to dissipate as we get older.

That places even more pressure on us as we seek to gain the most out of life in our younger days and have the opportunity for later when we are older and quite possibly weaker. While a good portion of individuals may require care from prominent companies such as

As we grow older, the sobering truth is that we may not have the energy or strength to engage in activities such as the hunt for hogs, geese, or even deer and larger game.

We must live, eat, and exercise well each day, from hunting activities to other, more demanding activities. We need to ensure a great life to hunt or do other, more strenuous activities regularly without concern for our age and health level.

But how do we ensure that we are living a great life? Let’s look at what it means to live an extraordinary life each day.

Take Action

The truth is that nothing changes unless you improve your mind and start taking action each day. If you are an object in motion you are likely to gain steam and momentum that helps to carry you into the next day. Remember that being present on this earth does not mean that you are living. It simply means that you merely exist on this plant. Now, existing is totally different from living. Your household plant exists but can’t live as you might have.

Those who live will engage with life, set goals, have desires, take action, and utilize resources.

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Engage with Others

Once you have a specific set of values, goals, and desires, you can engage with others in a more meaningful way. For instance, if you have a particular compass, then you can make a difference and relate to others in a specific way that opens up insights and lets you live a better life.

You can say no to loneliness and increase your mental acuity by staying sharp and speaking with others to remain interesting and intriguing. You want to continue to engage with others so that you do not go too introverted and take on feelings of sadness, pity, and depression.

Remember that increasing companionship and engaging with others increases your overall quality of life.

Live Deliberately

Prominent investors will say that you should live deliberately in life. That means that you are thinking about what your future will be like, and you are doing what you can each day to improve your lot.

You can practice meditation, walking, regular exercise, and practice good eating habits to live a better life in the present and the future.

Remember that doing more is not easy, but it can make a substantial difference in your life and help you get to a better destination.

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Sun, Sea and Suffering – Why Accidents Happen on Holiday



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Saving up all year for your annual holiday or for a weekend away is certainly worth it when you get to enjoy some much needed time off. Time away from responsibilities, from schedules, from your boss and colleagues and an opportunity to make as many memories as possible.

However, in our pursuit of rest and relaxation, many holidaymakers find themselves visiting the emergency room and getting caught up in all kinds of accidents – if you’ve had a car accident in Fort Lauderdale, click the link. This kind of scenario can leave us red-faced, heading home feeling stressed, tired and wishing we’d never left the safety of our comfort zone in the first place.

However, it is possible to have a perfectly safe, accident-free holiday. All you need to do is make yourself aware of the most common holiday mishaps and accidents out there. Read on to find out more.

Road traffic accidents

Driving in unfamiliar territory can be a recipe for disaster. Especially if you don’t plan ahead or don’t adapt your driving style. Conducting plenty of research about the roads at your destination will help keep you safe.

Sunburn and heatstroke

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We all love getting some sun whilst we’re on holiday. It makes us feel good, tops up our tan and just makes us feel healthier. However, there’s a fine line between enjoying the sun, and getting damaged from it. Too much sun and little protection means sunburn, which is incredibly painful and could increase your chances of developing skin cancer. Heatstroke can leave you dehydrated, with a migraine and incredibly ill. In many cases it requires hospitalisation. Make sure you’re adequately protected when you’re in the sun.

Slips and trips

Slipping by the pool or in the hotel foyer, tripping over a sun-lounger or slipping off the kerb in the local market. Slips and trips are commonplace abroad. So, you need to be vigilant. The last thing you want is to return home with a broken leg!

Food poisoning

We all like to indulge when we’re on holiday. But whether you want to experience local, authentic food or stick to what you know and love, food poisoning is a risk all holidaymakers take. Ensure you’re only eating at reputable and highly recommended eateries and be wary of vendors not following food hygiene practices.

Activity related accidents

Snowboarding, skiing, water sports, even swimming and scuba-diving. All these accidents are common overseas and the injuries may be catastrophic. Ensure that any activities you sign up to are overseen by trained experts.

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Meet Cole and Adela

Cole and AdelaWe have been wearing out our jandals (Kiwi for flip-flops) on our travel adventures around the world since 2009. We think our blog is thought provoking and a little witty. But we have been proven wrong before. Find out more about us here...

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